Reaching Your Full Potential
The University offers a range of training and development opportunities, designed to support your skills, knowledge, and behaviours, as well as enhancing your wider career aspirations. Opportunities may include:
- a 'Welcome to 191成人抖音' induction session, alongside a supportive induction plan to help you settle into your new role
- annual academic promotions round
- engagement groups to share best practice
- funding to enrol onto a staff apprenticeship (varying levels available), with funds also available for start-ups
- an inclusive mentoring scheme
- accredited qualifications for management and leadership
- funded places on external programmes such as Advance HE Aurora
- sponsorship of tuition fees for 191成人抖音 programmes of study (e.g. undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctorate)
- full access to our library and academic subject librarians
- participation in a review and development scheme with the focus on work loading via a model that gives people the time for development and research, taking an holistic view of work life for you as an individual.